Why Does Road Construction Take Long to Complete?

Road Contractor in Abu Dhabi

One morning you are having a good day, and suddenly you find construction noise for days and weeks. After a point of time, you must wonder how long does it take for road construction to get over with? The problem may not be with a professional road contractor in Abu Dhabi. Delay could depend on how much area is the construction covering and the materials used.

Road construction is a disturbing process that creates many problems in the area. Ideally, you can expect around two weeks to a month, depending on the area being reconstructed. However, that is not accurate because other aspects cannot be controlled. Hence to clarify, here are some reasons why road construction would take so much time.


It is a potential threat to successful road construction. Bad weather can cause hindrance in the materials drying and getting prepared for the next step. In some cases, bad weather can cause people not to come on-site for work itself. There might be some damage to the fairly well-constructed area in other cases.

Suppose the road is layered with stone-chip and asphalt. It needs time to heal and dry to put on another layer. It will make the road better and smoother. But if the weather is not ideal wherein the location would experience rainfall, then the asphalt would take longer than usual to dry.

Planning and Lack of Management

Another reason there may be a delay in road construction is the lack of management of contractors in Abu Dhabi. There will never be harmony if the constructors and consultants do not work together. Similarly, there will not be any problems during the construction itself.

Hence, ensure that the planning of schedules, guidelines and other aspects are clear to everyone. The stepwise process is the responsibility of the project manager. Should there be any problems and delays regarding construction, the project manager has to deal with them.


Finally, the construction of roads in locations is no easy task. The streets belong to the government, and if you want to reconstruct them, you will need to get permits. With the amount of bureaucracy in the government sectors, it is impossible to find permits.

Moreover, other legal matters need to be taken care of—for example, the people who may have their stores at the side of the road. Or, if you are expanding, the places nearby need to be evacuated. More reasons like these cause delays in road construction.


Now that it is all cleared up, road construction is not that easy. It takes a lot of paperwork to ensure that you are working on schedule and in the proper place. Additionally, resources are also required, which generally take time. Therefore, consulting a renowned contractor in Abu Dhabi could help.

Author: Milo Harmon

Fixie owner, vegan, ukulelist, reclaimed wood collector and doodler. Making at the fulcrum of aesthetics and function to answer design problems with honest solutions. German award-winning designer raised in Austria & currently living in New York City.